So...After 7 years .. Who really did up... 9/11....?

Before the Taliban and Saddam Wars....Which country had the worst Civil rights standards and political freedom

Can the TALIBAN legitmately be called Terrorists...?

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Twins: Iranian - New York Italian

Shah Reza Pahlavi....
the last official king of Iran.. ousted in a coup detat in 1979...

Frank Vincent...

Italian American Actor... came to fame after playing true to life NY Gambino mob man...Billy Batts... and later as Phil Leotardo on the Sopranos...

I realized the striking likeness in their features after... I found that.. that Tony Sopranos used the name " Shah of Iran " as a nickname on the show for the character of Phil Leotardo..

Im sure one of the castmembers probably used it on the set and the writers picked up on it..

So now you can see for yourself...

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Sight of the Hour

Sight of the Hour
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

A...C H O L A C H E R A P A N D I A N...Production
