Whenever I hear some news from young kids.. or the TV about some new big deal rapper...
I just think.. " How much longer... will Rap last"...
I .. .like most of the honest and few good rappers... left in rap.. have to think those qualities that gave Rap its integrity... are gone.. and that Rap...
is new type of Pop Music.. using the gangsta identity of the 90s as a marketing technique to attract.. increasingly demoralized and gullible white kids.. who are eager adn willing to buy the Rap CDS.....
Those who have profited most from the late 90s and 2000s era of Pop Rap.. have done it by design.. by making their singles,, music videos and marketing campaign with intentions of major sales...
Rap.. is the BIG BUISNESS first... with Rap as the surface level... product.....
about 10 rappers in this decade.. have earned the big dollars... meaning
$50 million in career earnings or more...
the list is :
$100 million plus :
1. Sean Combs...P. Diddy
2. Jay Z
3. 50 cent
4. Master P
5. Cash Money Boys
$50 million plus :
6. Dr Dre
7. Ice Cube
8. Wyclef jean
9. Marshall Mathers
10 Jermaine Dupri
So...After 7 years .. Who really did up... 9/11....?
Before the Taliban and Saddam Wars....Which country had the worst Civil rights standards and political freedom
Can the TALIBAN legitmately be called Terrorists...?
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so please leave a Comment so I may know who it is.....!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Fair and Lovely... Lara Dutta... ?
I first saw Lara Dutta.. on an Indian TV station a few years ago and had no idea who she is , her claim to fame , or what sort of Indian she is .
My first thought was ... why is her first name Lara... is she mixed as an anglo indian or is she christian...? that was my first thought...
Later... I foudn that she was an aspiring hindi film actor.. and that her claim to fame was winning a Miss Universe pageant representing India....and naturally that ensured her a role in a hindi movie.
She was part of the new generation of hindi stars ... reprenting the new brand of " JISM " movies.. of the new modern Vijay Mallya endorsed " progressive " India.
I assumed , just as the girls of yesteryear, that should would be of the character of her generation in the bollywood community...
However the next time i noticed her,,, I realized that she was not ...
The next time she entered my attention was.. when I was watching a baseball game .. on american TV.. and saw the commentator listing all the girls that New York Yankeess baseball player, Derek Jeterm, had dated. The list included many american celebs, and eventually Lara Dutta.
I was schocked to hear that an Indian girl... even of the bollywood persuasion would have made Derek Jeters list.
Derek Jeter, is Black - white Interacial American.
In America, despite being interacial officially... he is culturally all Black..
So Lara Dutta was dated a Black man....!!!!!
That is the first thought that any average indian cine fan would have had.. whether living in india or the west.
I dont live in India, so I dont what her cinema community think... but I must assume that she is considered bold for doing so....
Even in america...supposedly the most advanced country in overcoming "racism" towards Black,.... any famous Black - White pairing recieves another class of media and public attention. In the media, It will be an unspoken exclamation as any explicit statements may suggest " racism"...
There are just a handfull of Black celebs in american culture.. and all of them half black partners....For some reason If a black man takes a spanish latino partner.. the same exclamtaion for having a white partner does not result... This is becuase... despite having a closer racial and physical likeness to white people... latinos are considered clearly Un White.. adn hence comparable to blacks....
Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Samuel L Jackson, --- from films
Micheal Jordan, Shaquille O Neil, Barry Bonds, -- sports...
The same Derek Jeter... has not dated many " white" celebs... his list includes... many spanish models.. , black models., mariah carey,, and now lara dutta, an Indian.
Lara Dutta.. regardless of how "progresive " she might be... is still of community... the cine world.. the controls her career.. a world of image and where ur career is ur image to the fans, and film community...
She is more than bold.. in partnering with Derek Jeter .. despite how enticing his offer is... $20 million./ yr... famous... and desirable...
I did say "dated".. meaning past tense.. as it has ended.... few years ago...
From Derek Jeter, an American Black man,, she moved to
Kelley dhorjee, a Bhuran Descent fashion model in India...
When i first heard Kelleys name.. I thought.. another weird name... and only recently i found that he is of Bhutan descent..
For those who dont know... Bhutan is a country just north of india.. that shares a lot of cultural traits with India.. but differs in appearance as the Bhutan people appear to the crude eye... " chinese looking "....and ofcourse are not.. they are more crudely refered to as : "brown people"...
Again Lara Dutta.. broke the conventional boundaries even for her generation of modern progressive JISM girls, and chose Kelley... the " chinese looking guy"
So far the unmentioned significance behind this article is that Lara Dutta, has the physcial traits of a Miss Universe among Indians... These traits are so rare among the population that... she will be encourage by the culture to value them... as it is considered both rare, valuable, and good looking...
So she is likely , by social encouragement, to de value those physiques that are not considered good looking.... by either the INdian filmi standard or the American standard.. which is the 2 guys she chose....
the Black Guy and the Chinese Looking Guy...
MOst interesting.. that there is such a person as Lara Dutta... !
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