So...After 7 years .. Who really did up... 9/11....?

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Can the TALIBAN legitmately be called Terrorists...?

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Friday, March 21, 2008

LIFE, THE Aninda Rahman

This article is repost of Aninda's note on facebook....


(to richie, thambi & me who find religion interesting)

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do -Luke 23:34
Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise -Luke 23:43

is it funny
that all of your life
you’ve waited for a sudden

on roopnarayana
if someone asks
who the hell

are you;
do you,
make it clear
you are in fact
in process
a what-the-hell

what a what you all are
that waited all the way
for a sudden death
a sudden fall
that a hanging note slips
from the staff
(a graph of pitch
with respect to time)
or from the figures
of the eternal pianist
what a what !

yet with each morning
that comes with a news of death
you start afresh
with a squeeze of toothpaste

you care for what
you are;

and with breads
all perforated
and both side toasted
like your sample souls
you start afresh
and with a denial

a better saturday comes
after a good friday
when you have a life to live

yes you do;
that’s a brave one
awkwardly brave
as you know
what you are doing.

as you know
what you are doing
is what you are.

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Sight of the Hour

Sight of the Hour
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

A...C H O L A C H E R A P A N D I A N...Production
