Here is my list of the indicators to the level of effect of the process of "Globalization:... in various regions of the world ...for when the question of of the level of globalization occurs..
I will approximately define Globalization as :
Globalization :
The level of integration of
a)modern and popular machinery/ technology from the Western spheres ( mostly america and to lesser Extent Europe )... a
b) a level of western( american and european)... method of thought and perspective towards the core aspects of culture via machinery/technology
into the other regions of the world that are otherwise lesser in the quantity and concentration of the above elements ( a and b ). The other regions would be .. most of europe , Africa , All arabic countries, All Muslim Countries, India, China, Korea, Japan, and those smaller countries neighboring these )
Indicators / Signss ( in cities )
1) There is an Authentic Indian Restaurant operated by Indians with Indian cooks that is also renowned and popular throughout the city.
2) There is a competeing Indian restaurant owned by Bangladeshi/Pakistani/SriLankan/Nepali people also adevertising Indian food that tastes good but tastes noticeable different
3) All Rebelious children idolize the current American Rap their role models in life
4) All those outside the rap targer audience also know...the names and albums of some rappers..
5) People with no savings and working menial jobs have Facebook Accounts
6) The state of the art cutting edge Public computer access facilities for those who cannot afford computers...are full of people chatting on MSN messenger .
7 ) Marijuana/ Hashish is as easiesr to access( purchase and use ) than bottled water or diet coke cola.
8 ) There are some poor and English Illiterate Indians and/or Chinese people working harder than any other community through difficult menial jobs.
9 ) The forward univeristy educated elite minority class go to Mcdonalds expecting the finest cuisine America can make while purposely wearing expensive clothes that most of the population can not afford all as a fashion statement..
10) Europeans come to live there becuase it is cheaper than living in Europe.. and think that the local populatiion are nice people
11) There is a higher rate of abortion ... why?
a) higher access and encouragement to use condoms increases the level of "activity" in the community resulting.. in higher preganacy results... where the majority of the cases can not accomodate the pregancy and must inevitable chose abortion.
b) greater political and cultural allowance for abortion.
12) The higher access to American pornograpgy on the internet reduces the demand for the local "sleeze" industry..
13) People from cold weathered northen Europe adults are buying guest houses there... and are living there 6 months out of the year.
14) Boys have to time share their attention to Euro football.. and American NBA Basketball coverage available on the internet.
15.) Many young girls secretly marry or run off with European/American tourist men as a means of escaping family directed traditional culture..
So...After 7 years .. Who really did up... 9/11....?
Before the Taliban and Saddam Wars....Which country had the worst Civil rights standards and political freedom
Can the TALIBAN legitmately be called Terrorists...?
A note to my visitors:
I am curious about who reads my blogs....
so please leave a Comment so I may know who it is.....!
so please leave a Comment so I may know who it is.....!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Southall , Wembly , and others of the sort
After I recently and reluctantly visited London, I came across some strong surprises.
My senses regarding people atleast were mostl alert when i came across the notorious "south asian" or Indian community.. ( which actually includes the now sovereign "countries" of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and lesser known Nepal , Bhutan, and Maldives )
Even though I had heard alot about them and watched Bend It Like was still an awakening experience to confront them in person.
After I arrived in london...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Euro Rice...
When I was in Spain earlier this year... I was surprised to find that their staple adn traditionaly celebrated food is...far from what i thought..
It is called " Paella " ...
It is basically... big thick spanish rice with shrimp( or other seafood).. with grilled with vegetables.
Does this sound familiar... ?
Such a description is usually reserved for Indian food.
Here I see that Europe is not as distant to Asia.. ( in tradition).. as I thought...
The presence and value of Rice in spanish tradition ( of maybe 10-15) centuries... gives the suspicion of some possible Asian or atleast further Eastern Origin and AAnthropology..
It is no wonder that White people/ UK/ germany/ france... dont accept them as legitimate white people...after considering my finding...
I put this posting up for all the Indians like me... who are amazed by this fact... and.. for anyone else might get a kick oout of it...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Golden Girls...?
Over the last 10 plus years in American pop culture and media.... there has been increasingly more " african american" faces...among both sexes...
Many of those personalities that represent american culture to the rest of the world are now african american...
These names include the likes of .... Beyonce , Halle Berry, Mariah Carey.
Whether in films, music, or television.. for a girl to become a banner name... it is "sex appeal" alone that makes this possible.
The token position for black person in the pop culture that was readily available in the 1980s and down ... has now in the 2ks extended countless number...
Infact the number is so high now.. that it would be wrong to call the place for blacks in pop culture as a token...
Infact , both the domestic and international market for american pop has a stong demand for " african american appeal"
For girls in the limelight.. appeal invariably must mean...what is referred to as " sex appeal" .... ( an apparently legitimate term that the syntax and semantic meaning of )
So African American girls are now a definative part of american pop culture... no longer hoping for a token spot in the business.. the Blakc starlets have aims of taking the top spots in the whole buisness to the point that the
But if you look closely at the types I mentioned above ... (mariah, halle berry , adn beyonce.).. despite being classified as african american.... you ponder the question of whether they are infact african component of their african american status...
Meaning when u look at these poster girls... does africa really come to mind?
And who is it that they really represent ?
The 15% of impoverished Black people in America..
All of the 3 imentioned.. ( and all the others i didnt mention ye t) take a funny path to fame and fortune..
First they have to impress the black audience ... to enter the stage of showbiz..
then from... there..
the have to win the majority white audience to have the superstardom they all enjoy today...
The critical trait for a potential starlet is not being either african/black or american/white... but something distincly in between....
This something is blacker than white people... to make themselves mysterious and intriguing on sight to white people... and whiter than black people.
This means that.. that starlot must be a physically interacial.. with clearly unafrican impress the tastes the black man..
also having a body type and color that a white girl coudnt have...
the "athletic" and "rounded" body type that white girls could not possbile develop.
This means that.. that starlot must be a physically interacial.. with clearly unafrican impress the tastes the black man..
the first thinga black person would say.. when they notice in a beyonce type is:
" she is not white.. becuase she is much darker... but she doesnt look anything close the a black etiher ... hardly african..."
the first thing a white person would notice is:
" she is not black because she is much lighter... but .. then what is she.. let me look some more... "
both white and black.. people.. eeven before they can admire... sucha starlot.. are
the initial reaction is overcoming the mystery of the image of such a person... since.. in USA>..
it is hard to come across.... a person.. of the " racial type" of the " african american " starlet...
It seems today.. that among both sexes... it seems that this type of interracial .." african american" is what keeps the " sex appeal" crazed american audience...
All the popular reality shows try to feature as many interacial types as possible.. byt always.. describe.. them " striclty" as African American... and forget to mention...the unafrican portion of the person...
It seems that middle color and middle ground between.. balck and white.. has higher demand than either....
The previosuly ruled and ruling colors... of USA seems to have lost out.. in atleast american pop vanity to ... the middle ground.. to the middle color...!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Best You Never Saw...
Here are the best films that were never given acclaim and widely ignored by audiences and critics when tthey were released .
meaning... they are as good as the best films... that came out in each year.....
but no one other than me seems to think these are great films...
These are since 1970.. only... .
So here is my list
1. Black Hawk Down ... 2001
2. Great White Hype ... 1996
3. Oh Brother , Where are thou..1999
4. Bloodsport . 1988
5. Desperado .. 1995
6.. Dusk till Dawn ..1995
7. Amistad .. 1997
8. Ooctober Sky .. 1999
9. Anna and the King... 1999
10. V for Vendetta .. 2006
11. Three Kings ....1999
12. Legends of the Fall ...1994
13. Last of the Mohicans ... 1992
14. Far and Away ... 1992
15. Dead Calm...1991
16. Samurai X....1974
meaning... they are as good as the best films... that came out in each year.....
but no one other than me seems to think these are great films...
These are since 1970.. only... .
So here is my list
1. Black Hawk Down ... 2001
2. Great White Hype ... 1996
3. Oh Brother , Where are thou..1999
4. Bloodsport . 1988
5. Desperado .. 1995
6.. Dusk till Dawn ..1995
7. Amistad .. 1997
8. Ooctober Sky .. 1999
9. Anna and the King... 1999
10. V for Vendetta .. 2006
11. Three Kings ....1999
12. Legends of the Fall ...1994
13. Last of the Mohicans ... 1992
14. Far and Away ... 1992
15. Dead Calm...1991
16. Samurai X....1974
Kramer vs Tribbiani...
Since there are no new Tv shows that I like.. in the age of "Reality"...
I end watching repalsy of Seinfeld and Friends....
I noticed that no one views the make up of the Friends show as I do :
What is Friends?
My summary would be
Friends : 5 New York Jews and 1 New York Italian ...Mr Joey Tribbiana...
"How Youuuuuuuuuu Doin'..!
and how would I summarize Seinfeld... well that is more complicated as the Seinfed was incomparabaly richer.
but a likewise comparision would be...
Seinfeld : 3 ( much smarter) NY Jews and 1 NY Italian ( George "Cant stand you" Castanza )
So you could say in a sense... that Friends - Seinfeld = 2 Jews... ( you can laugh now )
When Seinfeld came off the TV air waves... in 1998.. it was the Highester rated TV and comedy show...
Friends from 98 and onward .. would take Seinfelds spot at Top..
America seemed to accept Friends in place Of Seinfeld without any discomfart.. sort of like a change in the White house....!
Seinfeld came to TV in 1989... during a Bold movement in the Tv Business by the NBC TV station ( which was behind in success to the CBS and ABC stations ).
The movement was to replace the standard American family.. of Smiths/JOnes/and Williams in the family sitcom with hip Jewish singles living the new and trendy city
single and trendy big New york City Lifestyle...
As the 90s bloomed ... down went the american family on TV .. and came many other seinfeld type imitataions...
and During the flux of this trend came Friends and eventually... Sex and the City...which would explout the original intent of the movement spawned in the early 90s .. ten years later on HBO... in much more graphic and shocking detail than ever hoped for...
Seinfeld was the first and best show to exploit this...
The growth of this trend on Tv just tells me that that audience , metropolitan white people ( smiths and jones)... prefer seeing the NY jews than anyone else ..even themselves on TV...
The best indicator of this is the Friends the show..
The original idea of the show was:
the 2 main characters :
brother and sister : Ross and Monica Gellar.... New York appear normal and unquirky...
the 2 sidekicks :
Monicas friend and sidekick... the blonde Rachel Green ...
Ross's friend...and sidekick...Chandler .. funny last name Bing.. who doesnt say anything unless it is sarcastically cynical and iritating to one of the other characters..
All of the four characters above... are presented as being of Jewish descent assimilated into America via the forturned of New York...
Such people are those I refer to as " New York Jews" ....
to a foreign viewer they may seem as the ordinary american ... but as I said.. that would be false .. becuase the ordinary american of the 1980s... micheal j fox.. was deliberatly removed .. in favour of the Gellars and those of their sort.. the "New York Jews" ..
the 4 characters are there for the audience to laugh with ....
and now to mention the other 2...for the audience to laugh at ... i said AT... and not WITH..
Monicas other friend... Phoebe call her ditzy would be severe understatement...
Unlike Joey... the other girls dont make fun of her .. as Chandler does.. because no one wants to see a cranky girl... as chandler appears cranky any time he makes a joke...
Phoebe makes her presence felt by saying silly things.. to allow the audience to laught at her... but unlike Joey.. whose statments make sense .. with twist..
Phoebe is totally absurd.. you cant treat her as a character but as a random interjection of nonsense to excite the audience...
Although she does not have an obvios jewish name... the actress Lisa Kurdrow.. has an obvious jewish name with typicall new york jewish physique..
so she is basiccally a jewish character..
then the last character..
Chandlers roomate ;..... the stereotype NY italian .. Joey Tribbiani...
and what makes him a steotype:
No education... and hence he works as an actor... and is unaware of the lackluster level of achievement he has unless he is informed by Chandler in his characteristic Jewish fashion... his two male counterparts are the opposite... one is a professor and the other some financial engineer...
Slow wit... chandlers sarcasm jokes are usually misunderstood by Joey... and usually unrealiezed by Joey... while the audience is laughing at Joey.
Ladies Man... he has the italian "mafiaso" confidence that he can have anyone one... so women are his only area of expertise .. while the 2 jewish boys... must game plan their first and second move after the slowly develop the confidence to step up to the plate...
All his lines generally reflect his dull wit.. and the lines spoken to him by chandler are almost always insulting of him for his foremention lack of intelligence...
His character is almost a deliberate bashing... of the stereotype New Italian persona and the New York Italian identity... from the minds of college educated , manhattan residing, media influential New York Jewish Community.
I could intrepret this as massice cultural statement coming from the top of the New York Jewish community expressing their feelings about the entire New York Italian culture.
so where does this leave the show ?
the show is basically has the jewish actors/characters as the main characters with the only outsider... the NY italian joey as their token "minority" to be pounced on by the other 4.. and ridiculed to the audience...
and this this formula... seems to have hit the jackpot with audience of white peopel of all ages.. who responded to this formula by making it USAs top show... for 6 years...
I end watching repalsy of Seinfeld and Friends....
I noticed that no one views the make up of the Friends show as I do :
What is Friends?
My summary would be
Friends : 5 New York Jews and 1 New York Italian ...Mr Joey Tribbiana...
"How Youuuuuuuuuu Doin'..!
and how would I summarize Seinfeld... well that is more complicated as the Seinfed was incomparabaly richer.
but a likewise comparision would be...
Seinfeld : 3 ( much smarter) NY Jews and 1 NY Italian ( George "Cant stand you" Castanza )
So you could say in a sense... that Friends - Seinfeld = 2 Jews... ( you can laugh now )
When Seinfeld came off the TV air waves... in 1998.. it was the Highester rated TV and comedy show...
Friends from 98 and onward .. would take Seinfelds spot at Top..
America seemed to accept Friends in place Of Seinfeld without any discomfart.. sort of like a change in the White house....!
Seinfeld came to TV in 1989... during a Bold movement in the Tv Business by the NBC TV station ( which was behind in success to the CBS and ABC stations ).
The movement was to replace the standard American family.. of Smiths/JOnes/and Williams in the family sitcom with hip Jewish singles living the new and trendy city
single and trendy big New york City Lifestyle...
As the 90s bloomed ... down went the american family on TV .. and came many other seinfeld type imitataions...
and During the flux of this trend came Friends and eventually... Sex and the City...which would explout the original intent of the movement spawned in the early 90s .. ten years later on HBO... in much more graphic and shocking detail than ever hoped for...
Seinfeld was the first and best show to exploit this...
The growth of this trend on Tv just tells me that that audience , metropolitan white people ( smiths and jones)... prefer seeing the NY jews than anyone else ..even themselves on TV...
The best indicator of this is the Friends the show..
The original idea of the show was:
the 2 main characters :
brother and sister : Ross and Monica Gellar.... New York appear normal and unquirky...
the 2 sidekicks :
Monicas friend and sidekick... the blonde Rachel Green ...
Ross's friend...and sidekick...Chandler .. funny last name Bing.. who doesnt say anything unless it is sarcastically cynical and iritating to one of the other characters..
All of the four characters above... are presented as being of Jewish descent assimilated into America via the forturned of New York...
Such people are those I refer to as " New York Jews" ....
to a foreign viewer they may seem as the ordinary american ... but as I said.. that would be false .. becuase the ordinary american of the 1980s... micheal j fox.. was deliberatly removed .. in favour of the Gellars and those of their sort.. the "New York Jews" ..
the 4 characters are there for the audience to laugh with ....
and now to mention the other 2...for the audience to laugh at ... i said AT... and not WITH..
Monicas other friend... Phoebe call her ditzy would be severe understatement...
Unlike Joey... the other girls dont make fun of her .. as Chandler does.. because no one wants to see a cranky girl... as chandler appears cranky any time he makes a joke...
Phoebe makes her presence felt by saying silly things.. to allow the audience to laught at her... but unlike Joey.. whose statments make sense .. with twist..
Phoebe is totally absurd.. you cant treat her as a character but as a random interjection of nonsense to excite the audience...
Although she does not have an obvios jewish name... the actress Lisa Kurdrow.. has an obvious jewish name with typicall new york jewish physique..
so she is basiccally a jewish character..
then the last character..
Chandlers roomate ;..... the stereotype NY italian .. Joey Tribbiani...
and what makes him a steotype:
No education... and hence he works as an actor... and is unaware of the lackluster level of achievement he has unless he is informed by Chandler in his characteristic Jewish fashion... his two male counterparts are the opposite... one is a professor and the other some financial engineer...
Slow wit... chandlers sarcasm jokes are usually misunderstood by Joey... and usually unrealiezed by Joey... while the audience is laughing at Joey.
Ladies Man... he has the italian "mafiaso" confidence that he can have anyone one... so women are his only area of expertise .. while the 2 jewish boys... must game plan their first and second move after the slowly develop the confidence to step up to the plate...
All his lines generally reflect his dull wit.. and the lines spoken to him by chandler are almost always insulting of him for his foremention lack of intelligence...
His character is almost a deliberate bashing... of the stereotype New Italian persona and the New York Italian identity... from the minds of college educated , manhattan residing, media influential New York Jewish Community.
I could intrepret this as massice cultural statement coming from the top of the New York Jewish community expressing their feelings about the entire New York Italian culture.
so where does this leave the show ?
the show is basically has the jewish actors/characters as the main characters with the only outsider... the NY italian joey as their token "minority" to be pounced on by the other 4.. and ridiculed to the audience...
and this this formula... seems to have hit the jackpot with audience of white peopel of all ages.. who responded to this formula by making it USAs top show... for 6 years...
Twins: Iranian - New York Italian
Shah Reza Pahlavi....
the last official king of Iran.. ousted in a coup detat in 1979...

Frank Vincent...
Italian American Actor... came to fame after playing true to life NY Gambino mob man...Billy Batts... and later as Phil Leotardo on the Sopranos...

I realized the striking likeness in their features after... I found that.. that Tony Sopranos used the name " Shah of Iran " as a nickname on the show for the character of Phil Leotardo..
Im sure one of the castmembers probably used it on the set and the writers picked up on it..
So now you can see for yourself...
the last official king of Iran.. ousted in a coup detat in 1979...
Frank Vincent...
Italian American Actor... came to fame after playing true to life NY Gambino mob man...Billy Batts... and later as Phil Leotardo on the Sopranos...
I realized the striking likeness in their features after... I found that.. that Tony Sopranos used the name " Shah of Iran " as a nickname on the show for the character of Phil Leotardo..
Im sure one of the castmembers probably used it on the set and the writers picked up on it..
So now you can see for yourself...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bush - Whacked..?
as the rapper ludacris said so in his song... " Obama is Here".
So far I think he is the only person to make an official song about Barack despite the record level craze over the election... in the internet age....
Meaning , the 1996,2000, and 2004 election did not get so much media and society craze like this election.
I found out that Obama won when I was waiting in line in a shop in London while on holiday.
While travelling throughout Europe, I met lots of people.
When I told them I was from Washington DC, they all smirked and quickly asked me about Bush jr ( Mccain ) vs Obama...
Every single person I met , was against Bush and consequently against Bush jr( Mccain )..
I cant count how many people I met.. but it was alot..
In usa , during the previous 3 elections... I never came across such one sided opinions..
I refer to Mccain as Bush Jr.. because people generally cant find a political identity of his own..
Everyone , especially people overseas.. think of any Republican candidate an extention of Bush...
so Mccain is the next closes thing to Bush...
so the election .. to the audience overseas...
was Bush jr ( Mccain ) vs Obama
The overwhelming one sided support was for Obama... almost like it was USA...
so this made me wonder...
why did OBAMA win.. with such a large majority vote over Jr ( bush jr aka mccain )
1. People who hate Bush automatically voted for the opposite party without considereing anything else
2. Obama is Black.... otherwise indifferent blakc and white ppl voted for Barack just because he is black because they think.. they somehow contribute to " racial equality " if a Black finally makes it
3. Barack also pulls in ignorant Jay-Z/Anchor Man generation kids.. 18-25 aged ppl... who vote for him because they think Barack is hip.. and all the other guys are old and boring...
so when i consider all of this .... I find it hard to be impressed with Barack.. becuase all the reasons i mentioned above.. dont relate to any of his credentials or abilities...?
so what should I think of all the new Elect..?
as the rapper ludacris said so in his song... " Obama is Here".
So far I think he is the only person to make an official song about Barack despite the record level craze over the election... in the internet age....
Meaning , the 1996,2000, and 2004 election did not get so much media and society craze like this election.
I found out that Obama won when I was waiting in line in a shop in London while on holiday.
While travelling throughout Europe, I met lots of people.
When I told them I was from Washington DC, they all smirked and quickly asked me about Bush jr ( Mccain ) vs Obama...
Every single person I met , was against Bush and consequently against Bush jr( Mccain )..
I cant count how many people I met.. but it was alot..
In usa , during the previous 3 elections... I never came across such one sided opinions..
I refer to Mccain as Bush Jr.. because people generally cant find a political identity of his own..
Everyone , especially people overseas.. think of any Republican candidate an extention of Bush...
so Mccain is the next closes thing to Bush...
so the election .. to the audience overseas...
was Bush jr ( Mccain ) vs Obama
The overwhelming one sided support was for Obama... almost like it was USA...
so this made me wonder...
why did OBAMA win.. with such a large majority vote over Jr ( bush jr aka mccain )
1. People who hate Bush automatically voted for the opposite party without considereing anything else
2. Obama is Black.... otherwise indifferent blakc and white ppl voted for Barack just because he is black because they think.. they somehow contribute to " racial equality " if a Black finally makes it
3. Barack also pulls in ignorant Jay-Z/Anchor Man generation kids.. 18-25 aged ppl... who vote for him because they think Barack is hip.. and all the other guys are old and boring...
so when i consider all of this .... I find it hard to be impressed with Barack.. becuase all the reasons i mentioned above.. dont relate to any of his credentials or abilities...?
so what should I think of all the new Elect..?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Black Movies...
so what is a Black Movie...?
- Story Is set in a black neighbourhood in America.. that are poor ,chaotic, dangerous,
- Story is about some Black People
- Is made by a Black Director, Writers who are from the black neighbourhoods being represented...
- Has Black actors..maybe rappers
The films were low budget as they were aimed at a small market.. Black People..
The movement of Black Movies started in early 90s and made a big impact with select critics but not much national acclaim. THe movement produced up to 15 films.. and then just ended...
Here I will mention the best Black/ Ghetto Movies:
1. Boyz in the Hood - 1991
2. Menace To Society - 1992
3. Jasons Lyric - 1993
4 Poetic Justice - 1994
5 Above The Rim - 1994
6. Juice - 1991
7. Friday - 1996
8. New Jersey Drive - 1996
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Gisele to the Pope
An interesting question has been posed by the Brazil orn and raised Internationally famed supermodel, Gisele Bundchen, to the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church regarding one of the Catholic's Churchs favorite discussion topics...." contraception " ( via condems...)
The Church has alwas pronounced the same position on the subject....
" NO Condoms ... Only the Natural Way ..." ~ POPE
which is against the "modern american scientific way".....
Gisele has posed the following against the POPE with an interesting choice of words:
" To prohibit condoms is ridiculous, just think of all the diseases transmitted without them,".
"How is it possible to not want people to use condoms and also not have abortions? It's impossible, I'm sorry "
~ Gisele Bundchen
I wonder if anyone has given her the obvious answer the Pope or any sensisible person could have told her...! It appears she has totally missed the obvious one and had not even bothered to counter the reason for it... as most Americans do when they challenge the pope...
Seinfeld Soup Man --or click on article title..
I saw this video on you tube featuring.....a news reporter's interview with New York City Soup Shop Owner , Al Yeganeh.
Not just any soup shop....but the one that was featured on Seinfeld in the 90s.
This was a famous episode where the real life soup shop and owner, Al Yeganeh, was portrayed on the Seinfeld show by an actor and termed as the " SOUP NAZI ".
The term NAZI .. . is used here in the "post modern" American convention as meaning ..." too strict and disciplined" for "normal" Americans.
The show came to be ... when the Seinfeld writers noticed the popualarity of the Soup shop in NYC and also the notoriety of the owner among the countless customers on NYC. Seinfled writers found the owners character as comedic material fitting for the show and put him an episode.
Al Yeganeh, founded the shop in New York City and developed the shop into a successfull business by making top quality soups. He was not informed that he and his shop would be represented on the show and basically riduculed for the American viewers to enjoy.
Al Yeganeh's character is represented as too strict for casual nature of the Americans who come to shop. Strict refers to the rules he has in the shop for customers who come in. The rules are otherwise normal rules requiring ordering correctly and precisely and being well mannered in the shop. Failure to follow the rules,,, would result in Al Yeganeh removing you from the shop.
On the TV show, Al Yeganeh is portrayed as unreasonable and the blunders of the careless Americans, inherent to the image of normalcy accepted in America., as mild and minor. SO when the Americans blunder and make a mistake, and break the rules...they are denied the soup and thrown out.
When I first saw the show... in the 90s... I thought that it was a fiction..
Then I found out it was based on real character... and thought it has to be an exaggeration...but after seeing this video clipon you tube.. I can see that it is accurate match between the character on the show and the original person.
The writers of Seinfeld , who represent the intellectual portion of the American population, as they are Harvard educated millionaires, interpret the behavior of the soup man in the same way as the regular Americans...which is extremely rigid to a ridiculous level..
This episode shows how far removed American culture is... throughout the segments of American population to any establsihed standard of discipline in any environment... in this case a restaurant....
This concept of Discipline is one of the landmark features of the culture Gap between todays America and all other culures ( Muslims,. Indian, and Chinese).
Here the original character is Al Yeganeh. He is an immigrant of Iran and represents the culture of Iran in his disapproval of American attitude of apathy, blundering , and casual outlook in the form of their behavior in the shop.
In real life, the displeased New york customers had given him the nick name of terrorist, relating his Irananian Muslim background.
I assume terrorist is more insulting to him than NAZI.. which is what the TV show used.
Even though it is used for shows how Americans perceive the basic wualities of Asian culture...and how they would even humour it with other wise controversial terms as NAZI...
Here .. even though the character is IRanian.. the same type of culture gap could have resulted from a Chinese or Indian owner...
I wonder what nickname would have come for each of those.
The Name .. NAZI.. is only works if the guy is atleast in appearance... close to European.. and close to the original Nazis....
Here is a link to the video from you tube. showing how Al Yeganeh made his repuation...
I saw this video on you tube featuring.....a news reporter's interview with New York City Soup Shop Owner , Al Yeganeh.
Not just any soup shop....but the one that was featured on Seinfeld in the 90s.
This was a famous episode where the real life soup shop and owner, Al Yeganeh, was portrayed on the Seinfeld show by an actor and termed as the " SOUP NAZI ".
The term NAZI .. . is used here in the "post modern" American convention as meaning ..." too strict and disciplined" for "normal" Americans.
The show came to be ... when the Seinfeld writers noticed the popualarity of the Soup shop in NYC and also the notoriety of the owner among the countless customers on NYC. Seinfled writers found the owners character as comedic material fitting for the show and put him an episode.
Al Yeganeh, founded the shop in New York City and developed the shop into a successfull business by making top quality soups. He was not informed that he and his shop would be represented on the show and basically riduculed for the American viewers to enjoy.
Al Yeganeh's character is represented as too strict for casual nature of the Americans who come to shop. Strict refers to the rules he has in the shop for customers who come in. The rules are otherwise normal rules requiring ordering correctly and precisely and being well mannered in the shop. Failure to follow the rules,,, would result in Al Yeganeh removing you from the shop.
On the TV show, Al Yeganeh is portrayed as unreasonable and the blunders of the careless Americans, inherent to the image of normalcy accepted in America., as mild and minor. SO when the Americans blunder and make a mistake, and break the rules...they are denied the soup and thrown out.
When I first saw the show... in the 90s... I thought that it was a fiction..
Then I found out it was based on real character... and thought it has to be an exaggeration...but after seeing this video clipon you tube.. I can see that it is accurate match between the character on the show and the original person.
The writers of Seinfeld , who represent the intellectual portion of the American population, as they are Harvard educated millionaires, interpret the behavior of the soup man in the same way as the regular Americans...which is extremely rigid to a ridiculous level..
This episode shows how far removed American culture is... throughout the segments of American population to any establsihed standard of discipline in any environment... in this case a restaurant....
This concept of Discipline is one of the landmark features of the culture Gap between todays America and all other culures ( Muslims,. Indian, and Chinese).
Here the original character is Al Yeganeh. He is an immigrant of Iran and represents the culture of Iran in his disapproval of American attitude of apathy, blundering , and casual outlook in the form of their behavior in the shop.
In real life, the displeased New york customers had given him the nick name of terrorist, relating his Irananian Muslim background.
I assume terrorist is more insulting to him than NAZI.. which is what the TV show used.
Even though it is used for shows how Americans perceive the basic wualities of Asian culture...and how they would even humour it with other wise controversial terms as NAZI...
Here .. even though the character is IRanian.. the same type of culture gap could have resulted from a Chinese or Indian owner...
I wonder what nickname would have come for each of those.
The Name .. NAZI.. is only works if the guy is atleast in appearance... close to European.. and close to the original Nazis....
Here is a link to the video from you tube. showing how Al Yeganeh made his repuation...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Dutch made Film...vs ISLAM......
The Film is called FITNA.....made by Dutch govt official...
He is one of the most firm and clearly disapproving voices against the core RELIGION FOUNDATION OF ISLAM....THE KORAN....
He has made this documentary style film to show...his view.. which is a more amplified view in favor of the " War on Terror "....
He has made personal comments.. on this subject.. speaking against the Muslims societies in the world, the muslims residing in Europe and the Netherlands, and the state of the " war on terror" in the Muslim Lands...
THe video is very " controversial" as it presents as ISLAM as being illegitimate and primitive...
It is series of video clips.... showing muslims in involved in politically hostile situations which makes them look villainous....
The extended clips are on you tube separately....
The Film,,. is one of the few that you tube, and other video sites have considered or have actually banned ... in fear of further penalties....
I am putting the links to the video here and links to some interviews given by the
film maker politician....
Geert Wilders Speaks: Anti-Koran Film (Part 1 of 2)
Geert Wilders Speaks: Muslims & Tolerance (Part 2 of 2)
This video is the edited version..currently on yout tube...
The unedited one has been removed for the time being....
near the end of the video.... there is a minute... of ...graphic scenes... watch if u can
Most of the video clips used to make th film are already on you tube...
Fitna Part 1
Fitna Part 2
This video is significant not because of the content... but because it has raised theissue of censorship again.... regarding discussion... of sensitive material...
such as ISLAM and "War on Terror"....
I was surprised to hear that the internet video sites are in talks with officials to censor the video....
The government of Indonesia... has stated that they will ban Access to You tube if it is not removed....
He is one of the most firm and clearly disapproving voices against the core RELIGION FOUNDATION OF ISLAM....THE KORAN....
He has made this documentary style film to show...his view.. which is a more amplified view in favor of the " War on Terror "....
He has made personal comments.. on this subject.. speaking against the Muslims societies in the world, the muslims residing in Europe and the Netherlands, and the state of the " war on terror" in the Muslim Lands...
THe video is very " controversial" as it presents as ISLAM as being illegitimate and primitive...
It is series of video clips.... showing muslims in involved in politically hostile situations which makes them look villainous....
The extended clips are on you tube separately....
The Film,,. is one of the few that you tube, and other video sites have considered or have actually banned ... in fear of further penalties....
I am putting the links to the video here and links to some interviews given by the
film maker politician....
Geert Wilders Speaks: Anti-Koran Film (Part 1 of 2)
Geert Wilders Speaks: Muslims & Tolerance (Part 2 of 2)
This video is the edited version..currently on yout tube...
The unedited one has been removed for the time being....
near the end of the video.... there is a minute... of ...graphic scenes... watch if u can
Most of the video clips used to make th film are already on you tube...
Fitna Part 1
Fitna Part 2
This video is significant not because of the content... but because it has raised theissue of censorship again.... regarding discussion... of sensitive material...
such as ISLAM and "War on Terror"....
I was surprised to hear that the internet video sites are in talks with officials to censor the video....
The government of Indonesia... has stated that they will ban Access to You tube if it is not removed....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Celibate Supermodel....
I recently read a headline in a web article that:
International Fashion Model and Victoria Secret Icon, Adriana Lima, has disclosed that she is a VIRGIN.....and will remain so until she is " married"...
Meaning that she has never " gone the bases" with any of her past celebrity " boyfriends" .
I found this a sensational, unthinkable, surprise.
Adriana Lima, 26 year old model from Brazil, made her fame in the American media with the typicaal image of allure in American mainstream..
Such an image is the very opposite of the character she has announced.
Besides her fame through supermodelling advertisements... she increased her celebrity status... by " dating" American celebraties.. who also assiciate with an image that as far as possible from celibate...
She has been quoted as saying:
"Sex is for after marriage. Men have to respect that this is my choice. If there's no respect that means they don't want me" ~ Adriana
Here Adriana, has smashed the presumed public persona she with her recent announcement...
For those people... who know of Brazil ... through its soccer teams and supermodels only... this disclosure announced by Adriana Lima will also become a prominent element in shaping the image of brazil to the distant observer....

International Fashion Model and Victoria Secret Icon, Adriana Lima, has disclosed that she is a VIRGIN.....and will remain so until she is " married"...
Meaning that she has never " gone the bases" with any of her past celebrity " boyfriends" .
I found this a sensational, unthinkable, surprise.
Adriana Lima, 26 year old model from Brazil, made her fame in the American media with the typicaal image of allure in American mainstream..
Such an image is the very opposite of the character she has announced.
Besides her fame through supermodelling advertisements... she increased her celebrity status... by " dating" American celebraties.. who also assiciate with an image that as far as possible from celibate...
She has been quoted as saying:
"Sex is for after marriage. Men have to respect that this is my choice. If there's no respect that means they don't want me" ~ Adriana
Here Adriana, has smashed the presumed public persona she with her recent announcement...
For those people... who know of Brazil ... through its soccer teams and supermodels only... this disclosure announced by Adriana Lima will also become a prominent element in shaping the image of brazil to the distant observer....
Friday, April 4, 2008
Mountain in the Middle
With a few games left in 2008 regular season... the Houston Rockets have put Dikembe Mutombo in their line up after Yao fell down..
I am writing this article after I just saw another amazing block from Mutombo.
He is now 42 years old... i think he is the leaugues oldest player...
Even at 42.. he was the best( in the 90s and 2000s).. at his trade mark skill... SHOT BLOCKING...
EVen at 42... when he is supposed to play a few mins .. maybe 15 off the bench.. when Yao is tired.. I am conviced that he is still the best at SHOT BLOCKING...
since the rise in the dominance of the guards.. and increase in dunks.. and guards coming all the way to basket... there is much lesser shot blocking in todyas game than compared to the 90s.. game when Mutombo dominated....
But.. even at 42.. Mutombo.. is still the best shot blocking in the league...
When he was at his best in the 90s..... he was the only franchise player on a contending team, the Atlanta Hawks, that led the way with a Defense Game..
All the other Big name players averaged 20 points/. game plus...
On my Rank... He is the best player... Defense Player from the last 3 decades in the NBA .. 80s ,90s, 2000s.
I define a " Defense " Player... as someone who excels with mainly defense... so all 20 plus scorers are not counted... such as Olajuwan, David Robinson, and Shaquille Oneil...
Among those Defense Players... he is the absolute best..
His Atlanta team.. .had him as the big star.. and 4 role players.. and they were contending for the title.. against the Bulls in the 90s...
Every other team.. had a star scorer...
He is also in another class....of special players.. who can be the best player on his team and game... while leading the way with less than 10 points....
Any usual star has to score atleast 16 to have a good game and probably 25 to have a great game...
Mutombo could score 5 points.. get 15 rebounds, and 5 blocks and dominate the game...
THe only other star players who could dominate wiht less than 10 points are...
Jason Kidd..
Ron Artest
Scottie Pippen
John Stockton
Only 5 players in this group from all those who played in the last 20 years...
I am convinced that he can play well until he is 45... and set the NBA record for oldest player ever to play.... and get 20 , 15 , and 10 rebounds in a game...!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
"How about some Hardcore "
Whenever I hear some news from young kids.. or the TV about some new big deal rapper...
I just think.. " How much longer... will Rap last"...
I .. .like most of the honest and few good rappers... left in rap.. have to think those qualities that gave Rap its integrity... are gone.. and that Rap...
is new type of Pop Music.. using the gangsta identity of the 90s as a marketing technique to attract.. increasingly demoralized and gullible white kids.. who are eager adn willing to buy the Rap CDS.....
Those who have profited most from the late 90s and 2000s era of Pop Rap.. have done it by design.. by making their singles,, music videos and marketing campaign with intentions of major sales...
Rap.. is the BIG BUISNESS first... with Rap as the surface level... product.....
about 10 rappers in this decade.. have earned the big dollars... meaning
$50 million in career earnings or more...
the list is :
$100 million plus :
1. Sean Combs...P. Diddy
2. Jay Z
3. 50 cent
4. Master P
5. Cash Money Boys
$50 million plus :
6. Dr Dre
7. Ice Cube
8. Wyclef jean
9. Marshall Mathers
10 Jermaine Dupri
I just think.. " How much longer... will Rap last"...
I .. .like most of the honest and few good rappers... left in rap.. have to think those qualities that gave Rap its integrity... are gone.. and that Rap...
is new type of Pop Music.. using the gangsta identity of the 90s as a marketing technique to attract.. increasingly demoralized and gullible white kids.. who are eager adn willing to buy the Rap CDS.....
Those who have profited most from the late 90s and 2000s era of Pop Rap.. have done it by design.. by making their singles,, music videos and marketing campaign with intentions of major sales...
Rap.. is the BIG BUISNESS first... with Rap as the surface level... product.....
about 10 rappers in this decade.. have earned the big dollars... meaning
$50 million in career earnings or more...
the list is :
$100 million plus :
1. Sean Combs...P. Diddy
2. Jay Z
3. 50 cent
4. Master P
5. Cash Money Boys
$50 million plus :
6. Dr Dre
7. Ice Cube
8. Wyclef jean
9. Marshall Mathers
10 Jermaine Dupri
Fair and Lovely... Lara Dutta... ?
I first saw Lara Dutta.. on an Indian TV station a few years ago and had no idea who she is , her claim to fame , or what sort of Indian she is .
My first thought was ... why is her first name Lara... is she mixed as an anglo indian or is she christian...? that was my first thought...
Later... I foudn that she was an aspiring hindi film actor.. and that her claim to fame was winning a Miss Universe pageant representing India....and naturally that ensured her a role in a hindi movie.
She was part of the new generation of hindi stars ... reprenting the new brand of " JISM " movies.. of the new modern Vijay Mallya endorsed " progressive " India.
I assumed , just as the girls of yesteryear, that should would be of the character of her generation in the bollywood community...
However the next time i noticed her,,, I realized that she was not ...
The next time she entered my attention was.. when I was watching a baseball game .. on american TV.. and saw the commentator listing all the girls that New York Yankeess baseball player, Derek Jeterm, had dated. The list included many american celebs, and eventually Lara Dutta.
I was schocked to hear that an Indian girl... even of the bollywood persuasion would have made Derek Jeters list.
Derek Jeter, is Black - white Interacial American.
In America, despite being interacial officially... he is culturally all Black..
So Lara Dutta was dated a Black man....!!!!!
That is the first thought that any average indian cine fan would have had.. whether living in india or the west.
I dont live in India, so I dont what her cinema community think... but I must assume that she is considered bold for doing so....
Even in america...supposedly the most advanced country in overcoming "racism" towards Black,.... any famous Black - White pairing recieves another class of media and public attention. In the media, It will be an unspoken exclamation as any explicit statements may suggest " racism"...
There are just a handfull of Black celebs in american culture.. and all of them half black partners....For some reason If a black man takes a spanish latino partner.. the same exclamtaion for having a white partner does not result... This is becuase... despite having a closer racial and physical likeness to white people... latinos are considered clearly Un White.. adn hence comparable to blacks....
Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Samuel L Jackson, --- from films
Micheal Jordan, Shaquille O Neil, Barry Bonds, -- sports...
The same Derek Jeter... has not dated many " white" celebs... his list includes... many spanish models.. , black models., mariah carey,, and now lara dutta, an Indian.
Lara Dutta.. regardless of how "progresive " she might be... is still of community... the cine world.. the controls her career.. a world of image and where ur career is ur image to the fans, and film community...
She is more than bold.. in partnering with Derek Jeter .. despite how enticing his offer is... $20 million./ yr... famous... and desirable...
I did say "dated".. meaning past tense.. as it has ended.... few years ago...
From Derek Jeter, an American Black man,, she moved to
Kelley dhorjee, a Bhuran Descent fashion model in India...
When i first heard Kelleys name.. I thought.. another weird name... and only recently i found that he is of Bhutan descent..
For those who dont know... Bhutan is a country just north of india.. that shares a lot of cultural traits with India.. but differs in appearance as the Bhutan people appear to the crude eye... " chinese looking "....and ofcourse are not.. they are more crudely refered to as : "brown people"...
Again Lara Dutta.. broke the conventional boundaries even for her generation of modern progressive JISM girls, and chose Kelley... the " chinese looking guy"
So far the unmentioned significance behind this article is that Lara Dutta, has the physcial traits of a Miss Universe among Indians... These traits are so rare among the population that... she will be encourage by the culture to value them... as it is considered both rare, valuable, and good looking...
So she is likely , by social encouragement, to de value those physiques that are not considered good looking.... by either the INdian filmi standard or the American standard.. which is the 2 guys she chose....
the Black Guy and the Chinese Looking Guy...
MOst interesting.. that there is such a person as Lara Dutta... !
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Twins:... Afghan -- German
Twins: Italian American -- Indian Punjabi
Annabella Sciorra : An Italian Descent American film actress...
Juhi Chawla : Indian Punjabi Film Actress...
I saw Annabella when i was about 12 years old... when i first came to america...
I saw Juhi .. when i was about 20 years. old...
As soon as I saw her .. I thought... how closely she looked very much like annabella sciorra
now Juhi
and back Annabella
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